Place Names Register Extract
Carmichael Crag
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Print Extract | Search AgainName | Carmichael Crag |
Type Designation | Peak |
Place Id | 11579 |
Place Type | Feature |
Status | Registered |
Date Registered | 5 August 1959 |
Location (Datum GDA94) | |
Latitude: -24° 12' S (Decimal degrees -24.2105) | |
Longitude: 131° 33' E (Decimal degrees 131.5647) | |
View Map | View in NT Atlas | View in Google Earth | |
Locality / Suburb | |
Petermann | |
Local Government Area | |
MacDonnell Shire Council | |
History/Origin | Ernest Giles in SAPP 21 of 1874 "Mr Ernest Giles's Explorations, 1872". writes "Wednesday, 30th October. - ...I called the crag round which Johnny's Creek turns, "Carmichael's Craig," after Mr Carmichael." Giles in his book "Australia Twice Traversed" Book 1, Chapter 6 writes "I called this King's Creek. Another on the western flat beyond joins it. I called the north-west point of this range Carmichael's Crag." The map with the book shows only Carmichael Creek. The range Giles mentions is the George Gill Range. Giles met Samual Carmichael in Melbourne and he contributed towards Giles' Expedition. Carmichael became one of the two people to accompany Giles on this expedition. |
Register & Gazettal information
Date | Gazettal | Comment |
05/08/1959 | NTG34 |