Place Names Register Extract

Sattler Field

Extract date: 07/10/2024

Name Sattler Field
Type Designation Airfield
Place Id 18266
Place Type Feature
Status Historical
Date Registered
Location (Datum GDA94)  
Latitude: -12° 32' S (Decimal degrees -12.5488)
Longitude: 131° 03' E (Decimal degrees 131.0616)
Locality / Suburb  
  Bees Creek
Local Government Area  
  Litchfield Council
History/Origin Sattler Airstrip, 20 miles south of Darwin, adjacent to the Highway was named to commemorate Flt Lt Geoffery Sattler (260510) RAAF of No 2 Squadron AF264/1/21, born in Newcastle on 4 September 1911, a salesman who resided in Bathurst, NSW, when he enlisted.

The Sattler airstrip was completed on 13 April 1943 and taxiways not long afterwards. The strip was sealed during May / June 1943 and was used by Kitty Hawks and Spitfires by the US and RAAF (No 452 Squadron) and No 9 Repair and Salvage Unit (9 RSU) in the early war period to defend Darwin.

Sattler was a captain of a Lockheed Hudson A16-7 which departed from Nanlea on 12 January 1942 to attack enemy shipping in Keema Bay, North Celebes. Five bombers departed that day, the first, a group of 3 from No 2 Squadron and then a second pair from No 13 Squadron. Japanese Zeros intercepted and shot down two in the former and both (including Sattler) in the latter flight.

Others aboard A16-7, were -
407788 Sgt John Graham Goode (2nd pilot)
5798 Sgt Reginald Anthony Desmond Hunter (WOAG)
406529 Sgt Matthew Roscoe Hodgson (WAG)

Three years later the Hudson was located by Flt Keating (RAAF) on 21 January 1945 at Ranowangko being identified by its serial number on the fuselage. Local natives stated that they had buried the bodies and a grave was subsequently found nearby. The crews remains were exhumed reburied at Macassar War Cemetery.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
  (None Found)  

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

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