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Metadata : Vegetation Survey of Nitmiluk National Park |

Metadata Details:
Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile
Date Metadata Extracted:2025-03-07
Date Metadata Last Updated:2013-04-10
Current URL (HTML format) : http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/metadata/export_data?type=html&metadata_id=D855518F8AAE6B02E040CD9B21444D59
Current URL (XML format) : http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/metadata/export_data?type=xml&metadata_id=D855518F8AAE6B02E040CD9B21444D59
ANZLIC Identifier:D855518F8AAE6B02E040CD9B21444D59
Title: Vegetation Survey of Nitmiluk National Park
Citation Date:2004-12-01
Date Type:creation
Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security
This survey describes the vegetation over Nitmiluk National Park in the Northern Territory. The 3 main objectives of the survey were to: 1) To create a vegetation map for Nitmiluk National Park to guide targeted land management. 2) To describe the patterns in vegetation types and significant species in the Park 3) To test and compare methods for generating vegetation maps.
The survey analysed more than 1500 vegetation plots between 200 and 2002. Two separate analyses were undertaken, one concentrating on describing the patterns in the floristic data and the other using GIS data to derive a vegetation map. The resulting landcover map describes 13 vegetation classes; distinguishing the substrate (soil and rock) and structure of vegetation and provides mapping at three different scales, 1:50 000, 1:100 000 and 1:250 000.
Nitmiluk National Park covers an area of 1,000 km2 of mostly rocky country enclosing the upper reaches of the Katherine River. The main park entrance is located approximately 30km from the townsite of Katherine.
- biota
- imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
Bounding Coordinates:
- North Bounding Coordinate:-13.8011
- South Bounding Coordinate:-14.4333
- East Bounding Coordinate:132.816
- West Bounding Coordinate:132.1405
Dataset Status
Dataset ID:
Character Set: Latin 1
Maintenance and Update Frequency:notPlanned
Data Currency Start Date:2000-01-01
Data Currency End Date:2004-12-01
Access Constraint:
Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via data.nt.gov.au/
You are licensed to use the DENR geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:
Supplied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Copyright Northern Territory Government.
Data Quality
Lineage:Data Source: Landsat 5 TM imagery - 2 neighbouring scenes 27/04/95 and 24/03/97; 100k DEM sourced from DIPE; NT Airbore Radiometric Data sourced from NT Geological Survey (flown 1974-2002); existing geological and land system mapping (250k) were deemed too course to use.
The final Land Cover Map was derived using eCognition software and mapped at three scales (50k, 100k, 250k) for Nitmiluk National Park using an object-based classification incorporating Landsat TM data, radiometric data and elevation and slope models. The communities mapped using this method are described in reference to habitat data collected from 1364 ground plots and floristic data collected from a further 1557 plots distributed throughout the park. Comparisons with historical land systems mapping is also presented.
Positional Accuracy:
Attribute Accuracy:Each polygon in the 3 land cover datasets contains a label with a series of attributes all based on 13 final classes. Refer to Data Dictionary described in Metadata below. The attribute BESTCLASS is the most likely, most correct class/outcome based on analysis. More detail on the floristic composition and environmental information, for each CLASS, is contained in the associated report.
Logical Consistency:GIS editing tools were used to rectify all overshoots and undershoots in line work. Polygon topology rules applied are; must not overlap, must not have gaps and each polygon has only one label.
Completeness:Dataset and associated technical report was completed in December, 2004.
Name Organisation Position Role Phone Fax Data Requests Officer Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Geospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department) distributor datarequests.depws@nt.gov.au
Data Dictionary
Attribute Attribute Description Possible Code Code Description BAND1-BAND5 Landsat Bands 1 to 5 used in analysis. BESTCLASS The classification routine provides a probability value that the particular object (polygon boundary), based on the analysis of data belongs to the listed class. BESTPROB The object in this instance has a probability that it is correct of 70% ( e.g. 0.7 = 70% ) COMPACTNESS An analysis parameter based on shape of object (not size). FIRE9599 The presence of fire between 1995 and 1999, noting the amount burnt HEIGHT Elevation in metres derived from a 1:100,000 scale Digital Elevation Model (DEM) LENGTH An analysis parameter. The length of the object (polygon boundary) at widest point. NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is used to measure and monitor plant growth (vigor), vegetation cover, and biomass production from multispectral satellite data. Increasing positive NDVI values indicate increasing amounts of green vegetation. Values here are stretched values from 0-255. RADIOMET A radiometric map of the Northern Territory has been compiled from airborne radiometric data flown from 1974 ' 2002, by the Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS). The values shown are for `total count'. SLOPE Slope in degrees derived from a 1:100,000 scale Digital Elevation Model (DEM) SNDCLASS The second most likely class SNDPROB The probability assigned to the second most likely class. This should always be less than the BESTCLASS. TEXTURE Texture is based upon the standard deviation, in the 8 surrounding cells, for Landsat band 5. Provides a measure of homogeneity. THDPROB The probability assigned to the third most likely class. THIRDCLASS The third most likely class
Supplementary Information
Bibliographic Reference - Carrie Michelle, Craig Hempel and Owen Price. Vegetation Survey of Nitmiluk National Park: Vegetation map and description of the flora, December 2004. Biodiversity Unit, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment, Darwin, Northern Territory.
Report available (pdf download) via Northern Territory Library, hdl.handle.net/10070/244147
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