Metadata : Pastoral Land Act - Non-Pastoral Use (NPU) permitted areas


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-12-22

Date Metadata Last Updated:2022-03-01

Current URL (HTML format) :

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ANZLIC Identifier:81CDDBFB4D25DE38E050CD9B21443735

Title: Pastoral Land Act - Non-Pastoral Use (NPU) permitted areas

Citation Date:2019-02-14

Date Type:creation

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



This dataset provides information on areas of pastoral land subject to a permit for Non-Pastoral Use (NPU) issued by the Pastoral Land Board in accordance with the Pastoral Land Act.

Web site to view current applications and approvals:

The spatial dataset is provided for public access via NR Maps. Read Supplementary Information in this record: How to view this data in NR Maps.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:continual

Data Currency Start Date:2019-01-01

Data Currency End Date:

Access Constraint:
Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via

You are licensed to use the geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:

Supplied by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. Copyright Northern Territory Government.

Data Quality

Lineage:The dataset a compilation of several datasets created in a variety of formats and converted to ESRI file geodatabase format for storage in department Oracle database using geographics with datum GDA94.

Positional Accuracy:Polygon position was supplied by the applicant or altered by the consent authority.

Attribute Accuracy:Attributes taken from details supplied by applicants. Cadastre information relates to time of submission of planning applications. Parcels may have since been subdivided, however approved areas remain valid over new titles until expiry date of permit. Where more than one parcel relates to a permit, polygons are labelled with the relevant parcel details.
All polygons have attribute values as described in the Data Dictionary in this metadata record.

Logical Consistency:Several polygons have minor editing problems (slivers) due to either poor digitising of proposed areas or were as provided by the applicant. These polygons cannot be altered as they have been approved. Polygons may overlap previously approved areas that have expired (with works not completed) and new applications assessed and areas approved for non-pastoral use.

Completeness:The point of truth dataset is stored in Oracle ArcSDE is updated as applications are approved. The dataset displayed in NR Maps is updated weekly.


Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
01. PERMIT_NUMAlias: Permit Number
The Permit Number as stated on the permit endorsed by the consent authority.
Example: PLC04/01
02. PERMIT_REFAlias: Permit Reference number
This is a unique identifier for each polygon and is a concatenation of the Permit no and the Permit Polygon no.
Example: PLC04/01-1
03. PERMITPOLYAlias: Permit Polygon Number
A short integer is used to describe each polygon within the Permit.
Example: 1
04. PA_NUMAlias: Planning Application Number
Planning Application Number
(also referred to as the Development Application Number)
Example: PA2005/0779
05. DATELODGEDAlias: Date Lodged
The date that the NPU application was lodged by the applicant
06. DATEAPPROVAlias: Date Approved
The date that the NPU application was approved by the consent authority
07. DATEEXPIRYAlias: Date Expires
The expiry date described on the permit endorsed by the consent authority.
08. TENURE_REFAlias: Tenure Reference
This field is a combination of the Tenure Reference Description and the Tenure Reference Number. For example, PPL 1199 = Perpetual Pastoral Lease, ref no 1186. PL = Pastoral Lease (Term)
09. LAISKEYAlias: Laiskey
The LAISKEY is a unique identifier that describes a parcel of land in the Northern Territory.
The data source of the LAISKEY is the Digital Cadastral Database of the Northern Territory.
10. LOC_CODEAlias: Location Code
The first 3 values, 000, of the LAISKEY (the unique identifier for each cadastral parcel of the Northern Territory) that describes the location type for the parcel of land as an NT Portion.
The data source of the LAISKEY is the Digital Cadastral Database of the Northern Territory.
11. PARCELAlias: Parcel Number
The parcel number is part of the LAISKEY (the unique identifier for each cadastral parcel of the Northern Territory).
The data source of the LAISKEY is the Digital Cadastral Database of the Northern Territory.
12. PROPERTYAlias: Property Name
Name of Property for the cadastral parcel as described in the Digital Cadastral Database of the Northern Territory.
13. DISTRICTAlias: Pastoral District
The name of the Pastoral District of the Northern Territory.
14. APPLICANTAlias: Applicant Name
15. PROPOSEUSEAlias: Proposed Use
Describes the proposed use for the permitted area as stated in the approved permit.
16. PERMIT_HAAlias: Permit (ha)
The total area, in hectares, of all polygons comprising the permit.
17. POLY_HAAlias: Polygon (ha)
The area, in hectares, of a single polygon within the permit.
18. NOTEAlias: Note
Additional note used when required for further description of permit area.
1Approved Development Permit Variation
19. CLEAR_PREFAlias: Clearing Permit Ref No.
Pastoral Clearing Permit Ref No that this NPU permit relates to.
20. STATUSAlias: Permit Status
This field is for department use only. It is not displayed in NR Maps.
ExpiredThe clearing permit has expired. Clearing within this polygon is no longer permitted.
RevokedThe clearing permit was issued, however, the Pastoral Land Board revoked the permit.
UndeterminedThe clearing permit was issued, however, the Department has not determined if the clearing polygon remains valid.
ValidThe clearing permit is valid. Clearing within this polygon is permitted.

Supplementary Information

Further information about non-pastoral use is available from these websites;

This data may be viewed by the public via NR Maps
- Open folder Land Management. Tick layer Non Pastoral Use Permits. Right mouse on layer and select Set Active.
- Zoom to area of interest. Select polygons to review details in Data Results panel at bottom of screen.
- Use the search panel to find specific clearing information.

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool