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Metadata : Northern Territory Pastoral Districts |

Metadata Details:
Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile
Date Metadata Extracted:2025-03-13
Date Metadata Last Updated:2022-03-01
Current URL (HTML format) : http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/metadata/export_data?type=html&metadata_id=34515DD581A46CD2E040CD9B214478F9
Current URL (XML format) : http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/metadata/export_data?type=xml&metadata_id=34515DD581A46CD2E040CD9B214478F9
ANZLIC Identifier:34515DD581A46CD2E040CD9B214478F9
Title:Northern Territory Pastoral Districts
Citation Date:2002-06-17
Date Type:publication
Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security
Geographic areas within the Northern Territory have been classified as a named Pastoral District.
The districts were noted in NT Govt Gazette G26, 3 July 2002.
- boundaries
- farming
- location
Bounding Coordinates:
- North Bounding Coordinate:-10
- South Bounding Coordinate:-26
- East Bounding Coordinate:138
- West Bounding Coordinate:129
Dataset Status
Dataset ID:
Character Set: Latin 1
Maintenance and Update Frequency:asNeeded
Data Currency Start Date:2002-06-17
Data Currency End Date:2007-07-03
Access Constraint:
Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via data.nt.gov.au/
You are licensed to use the geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:
Supplied by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. Copyright Northern Territory Government.
Data Quality
Lineage:Positional boundaries were determined using the Northern Territory cadastre
Positional Accuracy:Positional boundaries for each of the districts were determined using the Northern Territory cadastre and information from the custodian
Attribute Accuracy:All Pastoral Districts have been named
Logical Consistency:
Completeness:The data is complete
Name Organisation Position Role Phone Fax Data Requests Officer Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Geospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department) distributor datarequests.depws@nt.gov.au
Data Dictionary
Attribute Attribute Description Possible Code Code Description DISTRICT The name of the Pastoral District GAZ_DATE The GAZETTAL DATE that the Pastoral District was approved under legislation GAZ_NO The GAZETTAL NUMBER reference METADATA The METADATA RECORD web reference link for this dataset
Supplementary Information
This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool