Metadata : NVIS Version 3.1 National Vegetation Information System, NT Data Compilation


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Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2025-02-19

Date Metadata Last Updated:2022-02-07

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ANZLIC Identifier:2DBCB771207006B6E040CD9B0F274EFE

Title:NVIS Version 3.1 National Vegetation Information System, NT Data Compilation

Citation Date:2000-01-14

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



NVIS is a compilation of several surveys of varying scales, that were re-coded and re-attributed for the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS). This forms Theme 3 of the National Land & Water Audit of Australia, 2000 (NLWRA2000). The goal of the vegetation component (Theme 3) of the Audit is to "Develop a national information system that provides for easily accessible and nationally consistent data on the extent and condition of Australia's vegetation, thereby improving our ability to make better natural resource management decisions."

Work for NVIS involved some line-work changes as well as creation of an attribute data-base for each original survey data set.
For each survey a 'PRE1750' and an 'EXTANT' dataset was produced. The 'PRE1750' or 'pre-clearing' dataset represents, in theory, the vegetation that existed in that particular survey region before the arrival of the white man. In all, the surveys attributed to NVIS standard in the NT, this 'PRE1750' coverage was taken to be the original survey coverage produced.

The 'EXTANT' or present day dataset represents, in theory, the present day (eg year 1998) vegetation coverage. This was produced by updating the 'PRE1750' dataset with cleared or modified vegetation. This dataset was recently renamed as NVIS_2007.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:ANZNT0001001047


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:asNeeded

Data Currency Start Date:1998-01-01

Data Currency End Date:2013-11-07

Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via

You are licensed to use the DENR geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:

Supplied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Copyright Northern Territory Government.

Data Quality

Lineage:Existing survey datasets were compiled and re-attributed as per the NVIS vegetation attribute framework (NLWRA 2000). Line-work was altered were necessary. The original survey datasets were regarded as the 'PRE1750' datasets. A new dataset was created for the 'EXTANT' vegetation dataset. Information on metatdata and the attributes is contained in the NVIS Data Compiler for each survey.

Datasets re-attributed for the NVIS project include the following. For information on original surveys see the original metadata record for that survey re.
Lancewood Survey of the Northern Territory - ANZNT0001000084, NTLANCE1750/2000
Vegetation/Land unit Survey of Gregory National Park, NT - ANZNT0001000009, NTGREG1750/2000
Land Systems of Arnhem Land ** - ANZNT0001000222, NTARNHEM1750/2000
Vegetation Map of the Northern Territory ** - ANZNT0001000081, NTVEGMAP1750/2000
Land Units of the VRD Region - ANZNT0001000261, NTVRD1750/2000
Melaeuca Survey of the NT ** - ANZNT0001000114, NTMELA1750/2000
Land Units of Lucy Creek - ANZNT0001000262, NTLUCY1750/2000
Land Units of Erldunda - ANZNT0001000263, NTERLD1750/2000
Land Units of the Southern Gulf, NT - ANZNT0001000260, NTGULF1750/2000
(** changes were made to the original polygon line-work when transferring to NVIS)

Positional Accuracy:Refer to each Dataset ID survey scale.

Attribute Accuracy:All coverage attributes as per the NVIS vegetation attribute framework (NLWRA 2000). These were determined from original survey reports (eg transcribed from information contained in survey report). Each polygon was recoded to the NVIS polygon coding system (Mapunit_ID attribute).

Attribute values, as described in the Data Dictionary below, have been added to each polygon.

Logical Consistency:GIS editing tools were used to rectify all overshoots and undershoots in line work. Polygon topology rules applied are; must not overlap, must not have gaps and each polygon has only one label.

Completeness:Mapping and report completed to the NVIS standard.


Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
MAPUNIT_IDAlias: MapUnit Identifier
A unique map (spatial) unit identifier, which links map units to the vegetation descriptions within them. The Northern Territory has 1009 MapuUnit identifiers.
Up to 6 vegetation descriptions are allowed per map unit.
NO_VEGAlias: No of Veg IDs
This attribute provides a quick summary of the number of discrete vegetation descriptions occurring within the one map unit. It is a simple sum of the number of discrete vegetation descriptions occurring within the map unit.
SPATIAL MIXAlias: Spatial Mix Desc
This attribute provides general information on both the spatial extent and makeup of the discrete sub-associations or floristic groups within the one map-unit. Map units may be homogeneous (pure) or mixed (mosaics). Spatially mixed map units are defined as those that have a number of discrete vegetation types within a map unit boundary.
SURVEY_IDAlias: Survey Identifier
Information used by this NT government department for data storage purposes.
SURVEY_NMEAlias: Survey Name
V1_COMDESCAlias: Veg ID 1 - Community Description
V1_DATASETAlias: Veg ID 1 - Dataset ID
An identifying number used to link to the original Dataset survey.
V1_ENVDESCAlias: Veg ID 1 - Environmental Description
A description of environmental parameters that consistently occur within the vegetation description and thereby help to define it.
Descriptions should be categorical and concentrate on the main physical drivers that influence the type and extent of vegetation. Attributes should include where available geographical location, soil type/s,geology, landform patterns/units, terrain, climatic types.
V1_NVISL2Alias: Veg ID 1 - NVIS Level 2 Desc
STRUCTURAL FORMATION: The description of structural formation should include dominant growth form, height and cover for the ecologically dominant stratum of the vegetation type/description.
V1_NVISL3Alias: Veg ID 1 - NVIS Level 3 Desc
BROAD FLORISTIC FORMATION: This attribute describes the vegetation type/description with floristic information at the level of genus, plus the structural formation of the dominant stratum reported at the sub-formation level (Level 4) of the NVIS Information Hierarchy
V1_NVISL4Alias: Veg ID 1 - NVIS Level 4 Desc
SUB FORMATION: For each stratum, the sub-formation description of the vegetation type should include floristic information (genus) plus the structural formation (dominant growth form, cover, height are implied). A maximum of three strata is allowed and the dominant stratum is indicated by a plus symbol "+".
V1_SCALEAlias: Veg ID 1 - Dataset Scale
The scale of the original Dataset survey.
V1_SOURCEAlias: Veg ID 1 - Source Code
A written description of the original vegetation description used by the data custodian. The written description will be the same as that name held in the original data set, sourced from the custodian of the data.
VEGID_1Alias: Veg ID 1
Other fields include Veg ID 2 up to Veg ID 6.
Veg ID 1 is the Dominant Vegetation Component for the MapUnit ID.
Each discrete vegetation description (ideally sub-associations) within the map unit is assigned a unique number. The vegetation description with the greatest area must be assigned a value of '1'. The number assigned to the remaining sub-associations (if they exist in the unit) should be allocated according to decreasing spatial area. Where there is no clear pattern of spatial dominance for subsequent sub-associations, the numbering can be arbitrary.

The VEGID number is unique and assigned by each jurisdiction to each unique vegetation description. The NT has a total of 1066 Veg ID numbers. Ideally each VEG_ID can be matched to a single NVIS_ID on a 1:1 basis.
VEGID_1_PCAlias: Veg ID 1 - %
Other fields include Veg ID 2 - % up to Veg ID 6 - %.
The estimated percentage area of each vegetation description within the map unit polygon.
VERSIONAlias: NVIS Version No
This dataset is NVIS Version 3.1

Supplementary Information

For more information about NVIS data products:

Data compiler explanation notes on each survey were produced at time of transcribing attribute data into the NVIS framework. Information on the Data Compiler and NVIS Attributes are contained in the following documents. National Land and Water Resource Audit (2000a). Australian Vegetation Attributres Version 5.0. Audit, Canberra. National Land and Water Resource Audit (2000c) NVIS Data Compiler Version 2.0 User's Guide, version 2.0. Audit, Canberra.

The 'clearing' dataset (ie NVIS_2007) was produced from various sources and is by no means comprehensive. Only large areas of clearing have have been delineated. It does not represent all the cleared or modified areas in the NT, particularly smaller areas. It also does not contain any information as to the present status of the cleared areas. They will be blanked out and listed as 'cleared'. The 'cleared' polygons could be revegetated, contain crops, horticulture, urban areas, railroads etc. The municipal areas of Katherine and Alice Springs were excised out entirely and contain remnant patches within their boundaries. Some pastoral properties also have small areas of clearing, which have not been incorporated in the 'clearing' coverage. Also no up to-date fine scale mapping of vegetation modification or clearing in the NT is available at present (year 2000). Various datasets were combined for the purposes of NVIS only, compiled for the NLWRA and sent to Canberra. They are listed below. No separate metadata record was entered for these coverages. Combined Coverage.......Elements(Reason) NTLSYS1750/2000........NTARNHEM1750/2000, NTGULF1750/2000 (Land systems) NTLUNIT1750/2000.......NTVRD1750/2000, NTLUCY1750/2000, NTERLD1750/2000 (Land Units) NTVEGUNIT1750/2000...NTGREG1750/2000, NTLANCE1750/2000,. NTMELA1750/2000 (Vegetation Surveys)

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