Metadata : Australian Maritime Boundaries Information System (AMBIS) |
Metadata Details:
Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile
Date Metadata Extracted:2025-02-03
Date Metadata Last Updated:2000-01-14
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ANZLIC Identifier:2DBCB7711FAE06B6E040CD9B0F274EFE
Title:Australian Maritime Boundaries Information System (AMBIS)
Citation Date:2000-01-14
Date Type:publication
Custodian:Geoscience Australia
This dataset is a subset of the Australian Maritime Boundaries Information System, covering the region under the jurisdiction of the Northern Territory, and immediate surrounds.
The Australian Maritime Boundary Information System (AMBIS) is a collection of GIS coverages of Australia's maritime zones. Some of these coverages are: Adjacent Area Boundaries, Coastal Waters, the Contiguous Zone, Island Territories Seaward Limits, Island Territories Sea Baseline, Low Tide Elevation, Memorandum of Understaning, Protected Zone, Seaward Boundaries, Territorial Sea, Territorial Sea Baseline, Zone of Cooperation, Exclusive Economic Zone, and the Continental Shelf.
This dataset was provided to the Northern Territory for use soley within the NT Node of the Australian Coastal Atlas. The following AMBIS datasets can be viewed over the internet as GIF images, via the Atlas interface;
- Adjacent Area Boundaries gazetted under the Petroleum Act
- Ashmore Reef Baseline
- Ashmore Reef Seaward Limit
- Coastal Waters (3 nautical mile limit)
- Contiguous Zone (24 nautical mile limit)
- Continental Shelf area outside Territorial Sea Baseline
- Exclusive Economic Zone (200 nautical mile limit)
- Memorandum of Understanding - Australia and Indonesia
- Provisional Fisheries - Australia and Indonesia
- Seabed Boundaries - Australia and Indonesia
- Territorial Sea (12 nautical mile limit)
- Territorial Sea Baseline (TSB)
- Zone of Cooperation between Australian and Indonesia
- boundaries
- oceans
Bounding Coordinates:
- North Bounding Coordinate:-4.998617
- South Bounding Coordinate:-17.998656
- East Bounding Coordinate:141.001143
- West Bounding Coordinate:121.001251
Dataset Status
Dataset ID:ANZNT0001000022
Character Set: Latin 1
Maintenance and Update Frequency:asNeeded
Data Currency Start Date:
Data Currency End Date:
Access Constraint:This Department has been granted permission by AUSLIG/Environment Australia, to display the data as images over the Internet, via the NT Node of the Australian Coastal Atlas. Contact AUSLIG for access to the digital data.
Data Quality
Lineage:This dataset was originally supplied to DLP&E as a whole, in ArcInfo format (WGS84).
It was subsequently clipped to extract the region under the jurisdiction of the Northern Territory, and imediate surrounds. During this process it was also converted to Mapinfo format (GDA94) using a Moledensky datum transformation formula.
The generated GDA94 coordinates have not been agreed upon by the Treaty signatories (where Treaties or Agreements exist) and therefore these coordinates should be used with the greatest of caution.
Positional Accuracy:The position of the coastal waters and territorial sea baseline as defined by the data has not been validated. Any adjustment required to the position of the baseline will require a corresponding adjustment to the position of the line defining the outer limits of coastal waters and the territorial sea.
Attribute Accuracy:Attributes are accurate.
Logical Consistency:Data are logically consistent.
Completeness:Incomplete. Data have not been validated.
Name Organisation Position Role Phone Fax AUSLIG (Australian Survey and Land Info Group) AUSLIG Data Sales custodian 02 6201 4340 02 6201 4381
Data Dictionary
No data dictionary defined for this dataset
Supplementary Information
This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool