Building Practitioners Board Registration Check

Practitioner Details

Name of Individual or CompanyKarl Paton
Registration Number132702EH
CategoryCertifying Engineer (Hydraulic)
Scope of WorksA hydraulic engineer may certify the design and/orconstruction of plumbing and draining works and hydraulic fire services servicing buildings or structures of all classes, including plumbing and drainage works (including on-site sewerage treatment systems), fire hydrants, fire hose reels and fire sprinklers/suppression systems, in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code of Australia and Building Regulations (4).
Independent Review Engineer N/A
Postal AddressPO BOX 3635
Telephone Number0738445900
Mobile Number0738445900
Active Registration Periods 05/03/2012 - 05/03/2014
05/03/2014 - 05/03/2016
05/03/2016 - 05/03/2018
03/12/2018 - 03/12/2020
03/12/2020 - 03/12/2022
03/12/2022 - 03/12/2024
03/12/2024 - 03/12/2026
Conditions or EndorsementsRestricted to projects for ACOR Consultants (QLD) Pty Ltd only
Related Company or Individual ACOR Consultants Pty Ltd