Place Names Register Extract
Hundred of Reynolds
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Print Extract | Search AgainName | Hundred of Reynolds |
Type Designation | Hundred |
Place Id | 20519 |
Place Type | Administrative Area |
Status | Historical |
Date Registered | |
Location (Datum GDA94) | |
Latitude: -14° 53' S (Decimal degrees -14.885) | |
Longitude: 134° 30' E (Decimal degrees 134.505) | |
View Map | View in NT Atlas | View in Google Earth | |
Locality / Suburb | |
(None Found) | |
Local Government Area | |
History/Origin | The Hundred of Reynolds was one of six Hundreds in the County of Gladstone in the Roper River area, gazetted in January, 1873. It was named after Thomas Reynolds, Commissioner for Crown Lands who came to the NT in 1873/74 after G B Scott had replaced Bloomfield Douglas to improve the local administration. He died on the wreck of the Gothenburg in February 1875. The Hundred lapsed with the passage in 1976 and subsequent assent of the Crown Lands Ordinace 1976 (No 1 of 1977) and the Crown Lands (Validation of Proclamations) Ordinance 1976 (No 2 of 1977). |
Register & Gazettal information
Date | Gazettal | Comment |
09/01/1873 | SAGG |