Place Names Register Extract
Hundred of Bagot
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Name |
Hundred of Bagot |
Type Designation |
Hundred |
Place Id |
20493 |
Place Type |
Administrative Area |
Status |
Assigned |
Date Registered |
Location (Datum GDA94) |
-12° 27' S
(Decimal degrees -12.46) |
130° 56' E
(Decimal degrees 130.9419) |
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Locality / Suburb |
(None Found) |
Local Government Area |
History/Origin |
This Hundred is most probably named after John Tuthill Bagot, Chief Secretary in 1868-1870 in the Strangways Ministry. The Hundred of Bagot (SA) was named as such after his Irish father Captain Charles H Bagot. J.T Bagot died on 13 August 1870 at a time when G.W. Goyder had finished his survey of Palmerston (Darwin). The Hundred extends from the RAAF Gate area down through Berrimah to Girraween Road, 32 kilometres south of Darwin. |
Register & Gazettal information
Date |
Gazettal |
Comment |
14/09/1871 |
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