Place Names Register Extract
Finke River
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Print Extract | Search AgainName | Finke River |
Type Designation | Stream |
Place Id | 12827 |
Place Type | Feature |
Status | Recorded |
Date Registered | |
Location (Datum GDA94) | |
Latitude: -25° 59' S (Decimal degrees -25.994817) | |
Longitude: 135° 20' E (Decimal degrees 135.334969) | |
View Map | View in NT Atlas | View in Google Earth | |
Locality / Suburb | |
Burt Plain | |
Finke | |
Ghan | |
Hermannsburg | |
Hugh | |
Mount Zeil | |
Namatjira | |
Local Government Area | |
MacDonnell Shire Council | |
History/Origin | The Finke River was named by John McDouall Stuart on 3 April 1860 during his fourth attempt to cross the Australian continent from south to north. Stuart named the Finke River "after my sincere friend William Finke, Esq. of Adelaide, South Australia - one of the liberal promoters of the different expeditions I have had the honor to lead." |
Register & Gazettal information
Date | Gazettal | Comment |
(None Found) |