Place Names Register Extract

Tarca Park

Extract date: 16/07/2024

Name Tarca Park
Type Designation Park
Place Id 24874
Place Type Park or Cemetery
Status Registered
Date Registered 16 January 2020
Location (Datum GDA94)  
Latitude: -19° 39' S (Decimal degrees -19.650629)
Longitude: 134° 11' E (Decimal degrees 134.192295)
Locality / Suburb  
  Tennant Creek
Local Government Area  
  Barkly Shire Council
History/Origin Mr Guiseppe Tarca (1898-1971) was born in Mello in northern Italy. He first came to Australia in 1924 finding work first in Queensland and then South Australia (SA). On the passing of his wife, Mr Tarca fostered his 3 children in SA and in late 1933 commenced work as a miner at Hatches Creek in the NT to financially support his family. He remained there until after WWII. In 1947 he worked as a prospector in Wauchope and later in Tennant Creek. In early 1950 Mr Tarca returned to the NT with his second wife and children to live and work at the Eldorado mine as an underground miner.

During this period Mr Tarca operated a part time tourism 'mining show' on his lease area. Mr Tarca moved with his family into Tennant Creek in 1959 and worked with Peko mines as a maintenance operator for 10 years. During this time a further daughter was born and he developed the family garden. He grew table grapes and other fruit and vegetables that were shared with neighbours and friends along with stories of his mining days. Mr Tarca often described Tennant Creek as the most beautiful place in the world. The 'Tarca place' was also known for 'bottling parties' held to celebrate the arrival of 40 gallon wooden wine casks which Mr Tarca ordered from SA. Mr Tarca was known as a generous person and a gentleman, sharing both his mining and gardening knowledge freely, and would always readily help those 'down on their luck' with material assistance and moral support. Mr Tarca passed away in 1971 as a result of silicosis.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
16/01/2020 Date added to the Register - (Certified Plan S2019/102)

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

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