Place Names Register Extract

Paterson Court

Extract date: 14/03/2025

Name Paterson
Type Designation Court
Place Id 24714
Place Type Road
Status Registered
Date Registered 15 September 2015
Locality / Suburb  
  Katherine East
Local Government Area  
  Katherine Town Council
History/Origin Named after Kevin Paterson. Born on 21 August 1931, by the early 1950s Kevin was living in Katherine. Early in his career as a Stock Inspector Kevin was based in Katherine with the first Stock Inspector posted north of Elliott, Peter McCracken. In those early days all Stockies were appointed from Alice Springs by Colonel Rose and were part of the Animal Industries Branch (AIB). Later it became the DPI&F. It was a prestigious background for those Stockies who were AIB men. By the 1960s Kevin, who was often called "Patto" by his friends, had become heavily involved with, and was a great supporter of the Katherine Race Club. He owned several horses over the years and in 1965 his horse Geronimo, ridden by the Daly Waters Race Club President Doug Wilson, won the Daly Waters Cup. In 1967 his horse Slipknot won the Northmeat Cup in Katherine. With the breakdown of his marriage in 1972, his 4 children remained with him and attended school in Katherine. Kevin, like all other Stockies, lived hard, played hard and was well-liked by his colleagues and friends, all of whom were shocked when he died on 1 April 1993. He was buried in Katherine.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
15/09/2015 Date added to Register
23/09/2015 NTG G38 Date Gazetted

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
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