Place Names Register Extract

County of Palmerston

Extract date: 30/03/2025

Name County of Palmerston
Type Designation County
Place Id 20488
Place Type Administrative Area
Status Historical
Date Registered
Location (Datum GDA94)  
Latitude: -12° 51' S (Decimal degrees -12.855)
Longitude: 130° 44' E (Decimal degrees 130.745)
Locality / Suburb  
  (None Found)
Local Government Area  
History/Origin Of the five Counties established by the South Australian administration of the Northern Territory, the County of Palmerston is the only one to remain.

The County of Palmerston was named after Lord Palmerston, Henry Temple, the son of an Irish peer, Viscount Palmerston, born at Broadlands, Hampshire on 29 October, 1784. Temple was educated at Harrow and Cambridge and became an MP for Horsham in 1802. He served in the post of Secretary for War for 20 years to 1830 and later in Foreign Affairs. He became Prime Minister at the age of 70 in 1855. He died on 18 October, 1865 aged 81 years.

He was Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1864 when the South Australian Government was surveying for a new northern outpost at Escape Cliffs, Adam Bay where Boyle Travers Finniss, first Government Resident of the NT, had in mind calling the settlement ?Palmerston?.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
07/08/1884 SAGG

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Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
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