Place Names Register Extract


Extract date: 24/07/2024

Name Walhallow
Type Designation Homestead
Place Id 19424
Place Type Feature
Status Recorded
Date Registered
Location (Datum GDA94)  
Latitude: -17° 47' S (Decimal degrees -17.7844)
Longitude: 135° 39' E (Decimal degrees 135.6606)
Locality / Suburb  
Local Government Area  
  Barkly Shire Council
History/Origin Walhallow was settled in 1881 by John Bassett and William Thomas Millett Christian, just three years after Ernest Favenc and Nat Buchanan's explorations of the Barkly Tableland in 1878.

For a number of years confusion has existed as to the correct spelling of the name and the origin of the name. It has been determined that the Christian's also owned a property near Quirindi, NSW, which was also named "Walhallow", having been established in 1828 as "Walalla Station" and became "Wallhalla (Walhollow)" in 1949.

JB Christine married a Miss L Skinner in 1866 and he acquired John Eales' properties of Walhollow East and West. In 1878, Christian's property is known as Walhallow Station.

It is therefore ascertained that the pastoral property name "Walhallow" in the NT, originates from the "Walhallow" property in NSW.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
  (None Found)  

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

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