Place Names Register Extract

Mount Heuglin

Extract date: 14/10/2024

Name Mount Heuglin
Type Designation Mount
Place Id 15541
Place Type Feature
Status Registered
Date Registered 27 May 1959
Location (Datum GDA94)  
Latitude: -23° 20' S (Decimal degrees -23.3382)
Longitude: 132° 14' E (Decimal degrees 132.2351)
Locality / Suburb  
  Mount Zeil
Local Government Area  
  MacDonnell Shire Council
History/Origin Mount Heuglin was named during or following Ernest Giles' 1872 expedition to the west of Alice Springs after Baron Theordore von Heuglin (1824 ? 1876), German explorer and ornithologist, most probably by Baron Ferd. von Mueller.

Although Giles in his journal (?South Australian Parliamentary Paper #21 of 1872 ? Mr Ernest Giles Explorations, 1872? and "Geographic Travels in Central Australia from 1872 to 1874? published in Melbourne 1875) on 6 September 1872 alludes to the existence of high mountains but he makes no mention of any names.

In "Geographic Travels in Central Australia ?, the footnote on page 68 reads "... Two other high mountains in the same range were dedicated to Count Zeil and Baron von Heuglin, who distinguished themselves by recent geographic explorations in Spitzbergen, the latter also by his extensive zoologic research in North Africa. - F.v.M." Baron von Mueller wrote the introduction and probably edited this publication.

On the map in Giles published journal "Australia Twice Traversed: the Romance of Exploration" London, 1889, Mount Heuglin is spelt without a "h" whereas in C Winnecke's "Journal, etc, of the Horn Scientific Exploring Expedition to Central Australia, 1894" published as ?South Australian Parliamentary Paper 19 of 1896?, Winnecke uses the spelling "Heughlin" and indicating the name had been applied to the wrong feature.

Baron Theordore von Heuglin first became known by his travels in the region of the White Nile and Abyssinia in 1854. He later took part in the German expedition of 1861-1862 to the Egyptian Sudan and afterwards accompanied Madame Tinne in her expedition to the Upper Nile. Between 1870 and 1871, accompanied by Count Zeil, in a vessel commanded by the Norwegian captain Nil Isaksen, he explored Edge and Barentze Islands, and Freeman Strait which divides them in the Svalbard archipelago, Norway, and in 1875 a last journey to the shores of the Red Sea. He published several volumes of African travel and natural history.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
27/05/1959 NTG22

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