Place Names Register Extract

Lameroo Beach

Extract date: 29/03/2025

Name Lameroo Beach
Type Designation Beach
Place Id 14334
Place Type Feature
Status Recorded
Date Registered
Location (Datum GDA94)  
Latitude: -12° 27' S (Decimal degrees -12.465162)
Longitude: 130° 50' E (Decimal degrees 130.838248)
Locality / Suburb  
  Darwin City
Local Government Area  
  Darwin City Council
History/Origin Lameroo Beach is an a corruption of the nearby Aboriginal Damoe-Ra site, meaning eye or spring in Larrakia.

Although not appearing in media or on plans until 1922 when a public baths were built at the beach, the name was in existence in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Cockburn records that John McLean Johnston an Inspector on the Overland Telegraph Line in the Northern Territory at a public meeting, where the town of Lameroo is now located in the Pinnaroo district of South Australia, in 1904, suggested the name Lameroo, because it was euphony pleasing, after being asked to do so by the residents who could not agree upon a name. Johnston indicated he did not know the meaning of the name of the beach in Palmerston, Port Darwin.

Cockburn records that Alfred Searcy who was Collector of Customs at Port Darwin at the time, had told him the meaning of the name was objectionable.

The baths constructed in 1922 of a concrete base topped with timber palings remained until the 1950s when they became run-down and too expensive to maintain. Cyclone Tracy in 1974 eventually destroyed what remained.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
  (None Found)  

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

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