Extract date: 28/03/2025
Name | Ilbpilla Soak |
Type Designation | Soak |
Place Id | 13706 |
Place Type | Feature |
Status | Recorded |
Date Registered | |
Location (Datum GDA94) | |
Latitude: -23° 19' S (Decimal degrees -23.327388) | |
Longitude: 130° 21' E (Decimal degrees 130.355793) | |
Locality / Suburb | |
Lake Mackay | |
Local Government Area | |
MacDonnell Shire Council | |
History/Origin | The soak known today as "Ilbpilla Soak" was first recorded by Donald Mackay in 1930 when he used it as a base for his Aerial Survey Expedition, Central Australia. Mackay's report indicates that on 26 April 1930 a "R Buch (sic) was dispatched from Alice Springs to "Erinberg Range " (sic) to clear an aerodrome". On 28 May "Neale made a perfect landing at Ilbpilla." Idriess in "Lasseter's Last Ride" records from Lasseter's diary: "Next morning at eight o'clock the party arrived at Ilbilba aerodrome, a clearing measuring about seven hundred yards square, the work of the Mackay expedition. Substancial bough sheds and "wings" of brushwood as breakwinds were still standing. Ilbilba itself proved to be a plain..." Fred Blakeley in 1930 and recorded in "Dream Millions: New Light on Lasseter's Lost Reef" published in 1972 also records the name as "Ilbilba" M Terry on his exploration plan following his 1932 Exploration of Central Australia (Expl 48) shows the feature as Ilbpilla - the name used by Mackay a couple of years earlier - in the Ehrenberg Range. The name applied to the landing ground in 1930 is now attributed to the soak which Mackay reports to be 1.5 miles away in a ti-tree gully. |
Date | Gazettal | Comment |
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