Place Names Register Extract

Arnold River

Extract date: 29/03/2025

Name Arnold River
Type Designation Stream
Place Id 10449
Place Type Feature
Status Recorded
Date Registered
Location (Datum GDA94)  
Latitude: -15° 21' S (Decimal degrees -15.365743)
Longitude: 134° 08' E (Decimal degrees 134.148255)
Locality / Suburb  
Local Government Area  
  Roper Gulf Shire Council
History/Origin Richard Aldous Arnold was born in 1849 at Stradbrook, Paterson River, NSW, the eldest son of William Munnings Arnold. He was educated at Rugby School in the UK and returned to Sydney in 1866, joining the public service there with the Department of Public Works and thence to the Legislative Assembly staff by 1873. He married in Kent UK to Annie Emma, daughter of William Kent.

He appears by 1895, having purchased a pastoral lease which was part of Hodgson Downs Station in the NT. He transferred it to the Eastern and African Cold Storage Company in June 1905. This lease may have been part of the Hodgson Downs Pastoral Association for some time. He sold up his interest in 1905 and continued as Clerk of the Legislative Assembly in NSW.

In 1914, Scandrett and GA Brown were involved in marking out the course of a river which flows northerly to the Hodgson River, rising in the Tanumbirini area. Under the Chief Surveyor TE Day, who himself was doing exploration in Central Australia, instructions may have been given to Brown to carry out a horseback traverse of the watercourse from Tanumbirini northerly towards the Hodgson River.

It appears that the Arnold River was accepted from a mapping viewpoint as an acceptable river name, probably after the holder of the pastoral lease at Hodgson Downs in the 1895 - 1905 period.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
  (None Found)  

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
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