Metadata : Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area, 2020


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-07-27

Date Metadata Last Updated:2020-07-17

Current URL (HTML format) :

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ANZLIC Identifier:8739BD7DA89BF802E050CD9B214469EB

Title: Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area, 2020

Citation Date:2020-07-17

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



This polygon spatial dataset describes vegetation communities in the Gunn Point Area, north of Darwin in the Northern Territory.
The area was mapped at a scale of 1:25,000. The aim of the mapping was to improve upon the 1998 vegetation survey mapped at a scale of 1:100,000.
The extent of the Gunn Point Area covers approximated 70,800 ha. and is defined by the Howard Water Allocation Planning Areas north of Gunn Point Road to the coastline.

The information was compiled as part of: Mapping the Future Project - Gunn Point
This project has identified land capability, water availability and biodiversity values to support land planning and inform development potential over the Gunn Point area.
Reports and maps can be viewed from the Mapping the Future webpage:

- Development Potential of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Groundwater Resources of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Soil and Land Resources of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture in the Gunn Point Area (2017)
- Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area (2020)

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:notPlanned

Data Currency Start Date:2018-11-01

Data Currency End Date:2020-07-17

Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via

You are licensed to use the DENR geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:
Supplied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Copyright Northern Territory Government.

Data Quality

Lineage:Map unit boundaries were delineated on screen from NTLIS Google Earth Imagery 19082013, World Imagery, Sentinel 2B Satellite Image 20170828 surface reflectance.

Other surveys referenced in this mapping include;
- Remnant Vegetation of the Litchfield Region, 1998
- Darwin Region Mangroves, 2017
- Howard River Sand Plains Site of Conservation Significance (SOCS), 2013
- NT Land Use Mapping 2016
- Monsoon Vine-Forest Distribution (Rainforests)

Positional Accuracy:Polygon data:
Map unit boundaries digitised on screen directly from digital rectified field maps. Level of accuracy depends on the number of control points on individual map sheets. Control points exclusively used Map Grid of Australia (MGA) grid lines. Depending on the nature of the landscape (the number of control points), positional accuracy may vary. Positional accuracy generally considered high to very high.
Point data:
Site point coordinates derived from a geographic positioning system with general accuracy of within 10-50m.

Attribute Accuracy:Field data (site information) described and classified according to national standards at the time of capture. Attribute values are assigned to each polygon and described in the Data Dictionary below. The attribute naming format uses 10 characters with no spaces to be suitable for an ESRI shape-file format. An alias attribute name is applied to an ESRI file geo-database format.

3 additional attributes have been compiled by the department's biodiversity group to join to each Vegetation Community Map Unit to describe: Fauna Flag (identification of species); High Probability of Cycas armstrongii; Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem presence (seasonal or permanent). Refer to Supplementary Information in this metadata record to access data and this additional table.

Logical Consistency:GIS editing tools were used to rectify all overshoots and undershoots in line work.
Polygon topology rules applied are; must not overlap, must not have gaps and each polygon has only one label.



Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
01. SURVEY_NMEAlias: Survey Name
The name of the survey area or report to which the mapping refers.
02. SURVEY_IDAlias: Survey Identifier
A department code that usually refers to the first five characters from the original survey and recorded on site sheets.
03. COMMUNITYAlias: Community Map Unit
Each map unit polygon is labelled to represent a community classification.
04. VEG_SYSAlias: Vegetation Classification System
Vegetation Classification System used to classify the vegetation community.
05. COM_GROUPAlias: Community Group
A broad floristic group describing the dominant community.
06. VEG_STRUCAlias: Dominant Vegetation Structure
Describing the structure of the dominant vegetation community.
07. COM_DESC_1Alias: Community Description 1
Description of the dominant vegetation community.
08. COM_DESC_2Alias: Additional community description 2
Additional community data including species and strata information.
09. COM_DESC_3Alias: Additional community description 3
Additional community data including habitat or site preference information.
10. SIGSPECIESAlias: Significant/Threatened/Rare species
Flora records pertaining to critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened and data deficient species. Flora Atlas N.T. should always be referenced for the most up to date information.
11. SIGHABITATAlias: Significant vegetation habitat
Significant vegetation habitats as defined by the Land Clearing Guidelines 2018.
12. ORIG_UNITAlias: Origin - Map unit
Map unit from the original survey report.
13. ORIG_SURVAlias: Origin - Survey report
Survey report from which the map unit information is derived.
14. ORIG_NOTESAlias: Origin - Additional Notes
15. SIM_SS_RFAlias: Similar Sandsheet Heath/Rainforest
Mapunits in the detailed (scale 1:10 000) Howard Sand Plains Site of Conservation Significance (Liddle et al 2013) that have similar habitat or species values to the broader sandsheet heath or rainforest communities described in the (scale range 1:25 000 - 1:100 000) Gunn Point/Litchfield Shire mapunits. These units are flagged because they may have significant biodiversity values and a high biodiversity risk rating. Proposed clearing or development may have a potential impact on the significant values either directly or indirectly.
16. AREA_HAAlias: Area (ha)
Each polygon in the dataset has an area calculation in hectares.

Supplementary Information

Department Survey Code (Land Units): GUNNV_25
This spatial dataset should not be used at scales greater than 1 : 25,000

Bibliographic References:
Napier, D., Edmeades, B. and Green, C. (2020).
Mapping the Future project - Gunn Point.
Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area.
Technical Report 8/2020. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Darwin, NT.

The report (PDF) may be downloaded via the Northern Territory Library

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool