Metadata : Soil and Land Capability Assessment of the Lower Weaber and Keep River Plains, NT. Section 1: Lower Weaber and Upper Keep. |
Metadata Details:
Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile
Date Metadata Extracted:2024-12-04
Date Metadata Last Updated:2020-06-17
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ANZLIC Identifier:5CCDFAF6C7631BC9E050CD9B214445ED
Title:Soil and Land Capability Assessment of the Lower Weaber and Keep River Plains, NT. Section 1: Lower Weaber and Upper Keep.
Citation Date:2020-06-05
Date Type:publication
Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security
Department Survey Code (Land Units): WEA18_25
This spatial dataset provides polygon information delineating land unit boundaries mapped at a scale of 1:25 000 and describes the soils, vegetation and land capability of the Lower Weaber and Upper Keep Plains in the Northern Territory. The study area, Section 1, covers 67 km2 and is located in the north-west Ord-Victoria River region of the Northern Territory within the Spirit Hills pastoral lease.
The investigation has assessed land based constraints and determined land capability outcomes for potential future agricultural development. It incorporates both collated legacy data published in Aldrick and Moody (1977) and new analytical soil data collected in 2018, in combination with analysis of high resolution aerial imagery to generate reliable land capability outcomes.
CAUTION: Map unit boundaries were derived using satellite imagery in association with a digital elevation model, geological and topographic data. Field assessments conform to national standards and support mapping at a scale of 1:25000. When assessing specific areas within the mapping it is recommended a site inspection is undertaken to establish unmapped variation and confirm mapping accuracy on the ground.
- biota
- environment
- geoscientificInformation
Bounding Coordinates:
- North Bounding Coordinate:-15.3948849379999
- South Bounding Coordinate:-15.4901071429999
- East Bounding Coordinate:129.074910149
- West Bounding Coordinate:129.000481627
Dataset Status
Dataset ID:
Character Set: Latin 1
Maintenance and Update Frequency:notPlanned
Data Currency Start Date:2020-01-17
Data Currency End Date:2020-06-04
Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via
You are licensed to use the DENR geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:
Supplied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Copyright Northern Territory Government.
Data Quality
Lineage:- Pre-existing mapping in the Lower Keep (Aldrick & Moody, 1977) was reviewed. Land units were re-evaluated using current technologies and analysis of high resolution aerial imagery and redrawn to a mapping scale of 1:25 000.
- 77 new fields sites were described in detail for landform, soil and vegetation characteristics, and to collect soil samples for laboratory analysis.
Map unit boundaries were derived using high-resolution digital aerial photography (2012), digital satellite imagery, DEM, geological and topographic data. Field data (site information) was described and classified according to national standards at the time of capture.
Map unit polygons were collected via geographic information system (ArcGIS). Core landform, soil and vegetation attributes attached to map units with additional attributes unique to individual surveys.
Positional Accuracy:POLYGON DATA Map unit boundaries digitised on screen directly from digital rectified field maps. Level of accuracy depends on the number of control points on individual map sheets. Control points exclusively used Map Grid of Australia (MGA) grid lines. Depending on the nature of the landscape (the number of control points), positional accuracy may vary. Positional accuracy generally considered high to very high.
POINT DATA Site point coordinates derived from a geographic positioning system with general accuracy of within 10-50m.
Attribute Accuracy:The attribute information conforms to the Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook at time of capture. Attributes assigned according to the dominant feature. For example, where ten sites have been grouped to describe a particular map unit and two different soils described from these sites then the dominant soil is chosen.
The department has assigned a list of core attribute values, described in the Data Dictionary below, to each polygon.
The attribute naming format uses 10 characters with no spaces to be suitable for an ESRI shape-file format. An alias attribute name is applied to an ESRI file geo-database format.
LAND EVALUATION: Each land unit has also been assessed for GENERAL LAND CAPABILITY, evaluating landscape characteristics that could influence the general use of the land. Descriptions for key characteristics considered important have been added to the land unit polygon, including slope, surface rock, soil depth, soil drainage, flooding, salinity, sodicity, microrelief and acid sulfate soils. For detailed information about General Land Capability review the Land Evaluation chapter in the accompanying report. (See Supplementary Information in this metadata record)
Logical Consistency:GIS editing tools were used to rectify all overshoots and undershoots in line work. Polygon topology rules applied are; must not overlap, must not have gaps and each polygon has only one label.
Name Organisation Position Role Phone Fax Data Requests Officer Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Geospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department) distributor
Data Dictionary
Attribute Attribute Description Possible Code Code Description 01. SURVEY_NME Alias: Survey Name
The name of the survey area or report to which the mapping refers02. SURVEY_ID Alias: Survey Identifier
A department code that usually refers to the first five characters from the original survey site sheet.03. LAND_UNIT Alias: Land Unit
The LAND_UNIT field is the land unit label from the spatial dataset (ie 9a2).04. LFORM_CLASS Alias: Landform Class
Landform class is a system adopted by the department. The categories do not conform to national criteria even though some have been sourced from Australian Soil and Land Survey - Field Handbook (Mc Donald 1998).05. SOIL_SYS Alias: Soil Classification System
The soil classification system used to describe the soil in the land unit description06. SOIL Alias: Dominant Soil Order
The dominant soil order described in a land unit is recorded.07. VEG_SYS Alias: Veg Classification System
The National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) classification system.08. VEG_STRUC Alias: Dominant Veg Structure
Vegetation structural classes from NVIS (ESCAVI 2003), Walker and Hopkins (1998) and Specht (1970) classification schemes09. SPECIES_1 Alias: Veg Dom Species 1
The dominant vegetation species described in a land unit. The order of species listed determines their dominance.10. SPECIES_2 Alias: Veg Dom Species 2
Where 2 dominant vegetation species were described in a land unit. The order of species listed determines their dominance.11. SPECIES_3 Alias: Veg Dom Species 3
Where 3 dominant vegetation species described in a land unit. The order of species listed determines their dominance12. LF_DESC Alias: Landform Description
Landform description includes details about landform, and general notes pertaining to slope, surface gravel and other details describing the land unit.13. SOIL_DESC Alias: Soil Description
Soil description includes an ASC or Northcote/other soil classification and usually includes colour, soil depth and other notes describing the soil.14. VEG_DESC Alias: Vegetation Description
The dominant species and its structure are recorded. Occasionally it will include minor vegetation communities also noted in the land unit description and/or notes specific to the community.15 - 27. Land Evaluation Criteria Landscape characteristics were evaluated that could influence the general use of the land. Descriptions for key characteristics considered important include slope, surface rock, soil depth, soil drainage, flooding, salinity, microrelief and acid sulfate soils. For detailed information about General Land Capability review Chapter 10 Land Evaluation in the accompanying report. 28. LCAP_CLASS Alias: General land capability Class
General land capability assessment evaluates key land unit characteristics to determine the broad capability of an area for sustainable development. The assessment identifies the major constraints likely to affect the success (or otherwise) of sustainable development in each land unit. Land capability assessment is not land use specific and does not consider land management practices or project specific requirements.1 Land with negligible constraints. 2 Land with minor or moderate constraints. 2-3 Land with minor or moderate constraints or land with severe constraints. 3 Land with severe constraints. 4 Land with extreme constraints. 29. LCAP_DESC1 AlIas: Land Capability Description 1
General note relating to constraints.30. LCAP_DESC2 Alias: Land Capability Description 2
Note describes the land evaluation criteria used to assess the class.
Supplementary Information
Department Survey Code (Land Units): WEA18_25
This spatial dataset should not be used at scales greater than 1 : 25,000
Bibliographic Reference:
Carnavas M, Burley P, Hempel J, and Burgess J (2019).
Agricultural Land Suitability Series - Report 16a.
Soil and Land Capability Assessment of the Lower Weaber and Keep River Plains, Northern Territory. Section 1: Lower Weaber and Upper Keep.
Technical Report 38/2019, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Darwin, Northern Territory.
- Download the report (PDF) via the Northern Territory Library;
- Download map products created for this survey;
Aldrick J.M. and Moody P.W. (1977)
Report on the Soils of the Lower Weaber and Keep Plains, NT (1977)
Report Number LRD77019, Animal Industry and Agriculture Branch, Department of the Northern Territory, Darwin NT
- Department survey code: (Land Units) KPLAIN_25
- Metadata record:
- Download report -
Carnavas M and Burgess J (2019).
Agricultural Land Suitability Series - Report 16b.
Soil and Land Capability Assessment of the Lower Weaber and Keep River Plains, Northern Territory. Section 2: Lower Keep.
Technical Report 39/2019, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Darwin, Northern Territory.
- Department survey code: (Soils) KRP18_25
- Metadata record:
- Download report -
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