Metadata : Mapped Distribution for Threatened Species of the Greater Darwin Region


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-07-28

Date Metadata Last Updated:2022-03-11

Current URL (HTML format) :

Current URL (XML format) :


ANZLIC Identifier:35A8F264A830E4BCE050CD9B214471C4

Title: Mapped Distribution for Threatened Species of the Greater Darwin Region

Citation Date:2016-06-30

Date Type:creation

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



The Flora and Fauna Division of this Department have compiled a series of map products for this project; "Mapped Distribution for Threatened Species over the Greater Darwin Region".

Atalaya brevialata
Version 1. July 2016 - Download map

Helicteres macrothrix
Version 1. July 2016 - Download map

Stylidium ensatum
Version 1. July 2016 - Download map

Typhonium praetermissum
Version 3.2 Sept 2019 - Download map

Ptychosperma macarthurii
Version 2. Jan 2018 - Download map

The maps should be interpreted with the Guidelines for Map Use that are attached to each pdf file.

The map products are intended to be used as a risk assessment tool only at the scale which they are compiled and not for definitive assessment of the distribution or abundance of the species at the property scale. They should be considered as a guide only to areas where there is a potentially higher likelihood of the taxon occurring in the broader landscape. The mapping product collates interpreted ecological knowledge of the species using the best available information to define the potential habitat and occupancy envelope for the taxon.

The map products are created as an INTERACTIVE PDF and are best viewed on screen. Using Adobe products, each of the individual data layers can be viewed in the left panel. Users are encouraged to hide/show layers to find out more about each species distribution.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:asNeeded

Data Currency Start Date:2016-06-30

Data Currency End Date:2019-05-27

Access Constraint:Spatial data associated with this project is subject to a Digital Data Agreement and may be requested via email

Data Quality

Lineage:The mapping product collates interpreted ecological knowledge of the species using the best available information to define the potential habitat and occupancy envelope for the taxon. The GUIDELINES FOR MAP USE, attached to each map, describes the data source, lineage and how the species extent information should be interpreted.

- Typhonium praetermissum - Version 3.2, Sept 2019.
V1 July 2016 - original publication; V2 Jan 2019 - Highest Likelihood edited; Moderate Likelihood added to map display; V3 April 2019 - Additional sub-populations; Map use notes updated. V3.1 May 2019 - Additional records for sub-population 17. V3.2 Sept 2019 Additional records for sub-populations 12 and 17, Map notes updated.

- Ptychosperma macarthurii - Version 2, Jan 2018.
V1 July 2016 - original publication; V2 Jan 2018 - Highest Likelihood of Occurrence removed from map display; Map use notes updated.

Positional Accuracy:A range of data sources were used to compile the species extent - please review the Guidelines for Map Use attached to each map.

The positional accuracy of the Likelihood of Occurrence data reflects the various scales of original input data used to derive the map product and users should refer to the metadata of the original source data for further discussion of the scale and positional limitations of the data. It is generally considered that the notional scale of the data is between 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 scale and this should be factored in to any use of the data for detailed assessment purposes. It is recommended that the data is not used to provide definitive assessments of the likelihood that a species may be present or absent at scales larger than this and such an assessment should be accompanied by appropriate field-based survey where applicable.

Attribute Accuracy:Not applicable.

Logical Consistency:Not applicable.

Completeness:Each map provides the most up to date available information regarding the known distribution and extent of the species at the time of publication.


Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)

Data Dictionary

No data dictionary defined for this dataset

Supplementary Information

Each map product also contains the GUIDELINES FOR MAP USE, describing the data sources with links to reference information.

Map products (pdf) are also available for download from this department's NR Maps website;
Set Active Layer to Map Products\All Biodiversity Products. (right mouse click and select Set Active)

- Information sheets about threatened species are available from the Northern Territory Government website;
- Also refer to the on-line resource for Northern Territory flora;
- To contact the Flora and Fauna Division of this department;

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool