Metadata : Airfields of NT, Headquarters Northern Command, Australian Army


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-09-01

Date Metadata Last Updated:2000-01-14

Current URL (HTML format) :

Current URL (XML format) :


ANZLIC Identifier:2DBCB771206206B6E040CD9B0F274EFE

Title:Airfields of NT, Headquarters Northern Command, Australian Army

Citation Date:2000-01-14

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics



This point dataset contains information, where available, on landing grounds and
their conditions.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:ANZNT0001000275


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:irregular

Data Currency Start Date:1997-12-01

Data Currency End Date:1997-12-01

Access Constraint:The data is generally available for distribution within the Northern Territory. Charges may apply for both hard and digital copy. For digital information, a digital data agreement may be required. Please refer to the contact within this metadata.

Data Quality

Lineage:The Airfields of the NT is primarily sourced from the 1:250 000 scale National Topographic Map Series (NTMS) and the Royal Australian Survey Corps' Joint Operation Graphics (JOG) map reproduction material (reformat). Please refer to Auslig for information.

Positional Accuracy:The summation of errors from all sources results in data with a standard deviation of 100 metres for well defined features.
Please refer to Auslig for information.

Attribute Accuracy:The allowable error in attribute accuracy ranges from 0.5% to 5%, at a 99% confidence level. Where less than 1% of attribute errors are permissible the entire population is tested. Where a less stringent limit is set for allowable errors a random subset of the relevant features in the tile is generally tested. The sample size is determined from statistical tables using the known population size of the relevant feature. A full description of the checks on the data, the test sample size and the allowable error are provided in the TOPO-250K Data.

Logical Consistency:For the TOPO-250K product, logical consistency is a measure of the degree to which data complies with the technical specifications. The data were tested using a mixture of UNIX scripts and ARC/INFO commands which were independent of the production system. Graphical tests were used to check such things as intersections, polygon closure, minimum size of polygons and topological relationships. A full description of the checks on the data, the test procedure, test sample size and the allowable error are provided in the TOPO-250K Data User Guide supplied with the data.
Please refer to Auslig for information.

Completeness:All instances of a feature and its attribute values that appear on the source material have been captured unless otherwise stated in the selection criteria for that feature provided in the TOPO-250K Data User Guide supplied with the data. The completeness was tested by overlaying symbolised plots of the data on the source material and carrying out a visual comparison. Please refer to Auslig for information.


Department of Infrastructure, Planning and LogisticsSenior GIS Officercustodian08 8924402408

Data Dictionary

No data dictionary defined for this dataset

Supplementary Information

. Due to disputes arising from custodianship of the dataset between Department of Defence and the Royal Australian Airforce, DIPE are the temporary custodians of the dataset.

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool