Metadata : Digital Cadastral Database of the Northern Territory


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-07-18

Date Metadata Last Updated:2007-08-31

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ANZLIC Identifier:2DBCB7711FB906B6E040CD9B0F274EFE

Title:Digital Cadastral Database of the Northern Territory

Citation Date:2000-01-14

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics



The Digital Cadastral Database of the Northern Territory is made up of the base active spatial Cadastre covering the whole of the NT with some secondary interests and identifiers over the top. The unique parcel identifier (LAISKEY) has then been used to link the cadastre polygon to the ILIS textual database and download various attributes to the spatial DCDB daily.

The current, active cadastre of the NT is made available to NT government staff on the DPI dissemination database SDB1.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:ANZNT0001000036


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:continual

Data Currency Start Date:1998-01-02

Data Currency End Date:

Access Constraint:Online access to digital data only available within the Northern Territory Government. Charges may apply for both hard and digital copy. For digital information, a digital data agreement may be required. Please refer to the contact within this metadata for access.

Data Quality

Lineage:Urban - Digitised from the best available mapping, usually 1 : 2500
Rural - Digitised survey plans controlled via model adjustment program.
Pastoral - Digitised from the best available mapping, usually 1 : 500000. GPS and other control has been used for maintenance where it is supplied

Positional Accuracy:Urban - +/- 3 to 4 m
Rural - +/- 3 to 4 m
Pastoral - +/- 1000 m

Attribute Accuracy:Few attributes are held with this data. Quality of this is good as due to its age most problems have been found and resolved.
The spatial data itself only holds enough attributes to create the unique parcel identifier (LAISKEY) and a status attribute to signify if it is Active, Proposed or in Transition.
The LAISKEY provides a common link to ILIS where all the textual attributes are sourced. ILIS is maintained by a number of agencies, the main ones being Land Titles Office and Dept of Planning and Infrastructure.

Logical Consistency:Parcels are polygons or groups of polygons. The active base cadastral layer covers the whole of the NT leaving public road corridors as voids. Apart from road corridors there should be no voids or overlaps between parcels. In some cases there are overlying forms of tenure or secondary interests which have been created in another layer and overlaid on the base cadastre. Community service identifier points have been converted to small circular polygons for display purposes.

Completeness:Continually updated. Complete to date


Chris CoxDepartment of the Attorney-General and JusticeRegistrar Generalcustodian08 8999
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and LogisticsSurveyor General -custodian(08) 8995

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
CREATE DATEDate of parcel activation in the cadastral database
DATE_EXTRACTEDThe date this feature was extracted from the SDB1 dissemination database.
ILIS_LINKA fully qualified HTTP link to an ILIS land search for each parcel. Will require an ILIS account and external users will also need an ILIS certificate.
LAISKEYUnique identifier for each parcel comprised of the location code, lto code where applicable and the parcel number.
LOCATION_CODEA 3 digit number describing the location of a parcel
LOCATION_NAMEThe textual representation of the LOCATION_CODE.. e.g. 'Town of Darwin'
LTO_CODEA five digit derivation from the LTO survey plan number used to make the lot number unique.
OWNER_CATEGORYAn attribute indicating the class of owner of this parcel in terms of Government, council or freehold.

***** Importantly, this attribute is derived purely from a textual pattern match of the owner's name. ******

The code for deriving the attribute can be obtained from the custodian.

Aboriginal Land (NT enhanced freehold)A parcel is classed as Aboriginal Land (NT enhanced freehold) where the owner name is an 'Aboriginal Association'. In most instances this will be land granted to an Aboriginal Association under NT Legislation.
Aboriginal Land (Scheduled under ALRA)A parcel is classed as Aboriginal Land (Scheduled under ALRA) where the owner name is an 'Aboriginal Land Trust'. In most instances this will be land granted under Commonwealth Legislation as a result of a Land Claim under ALRA.
Commonwealth GovernmentParcel is owned by a Commonwealth agency
Local Community CouncilParcel is owned by a local community council
Local Government CouncilParcel is owned by a Local Government Council
Northern Territory GovernmentParcel is owned by a Northern Territory Government agency
PrivateParcel is owned by a private individual or organisation
PARCELThe parcel number/identifier
PARCEL_AREA_M2Area of the parcel in square meters according to the survey plan.
PARCEL_LABELUsed for labelling; a concatenation of PARCEL_TYPE and PARCEL
PARCEL_TYPEType of parcelLOT
NT PorNT Portion
PROPERTY_NAMEName of this parcel as in Pastoral Name.. e.g. Newcastle Waters.

When the OWNER_CATEGORY is either NT or Commonwealth aboriginal land then PROPERTY NAME is assigned the value of the owner's name, and can be used for labelling purposes.
STATUS_CODEIndicates the parcel status in the mapping system. Always Active, but may be in Transition where there are proposed parcels over the top pending final subdivision approvals and Title issue.AActive
TIn Transition
STREET_NAMEStreet address attribute
STREET_NUMBERStreet address attribute, can be 0 when the PARCEL abuts an un-named road or has no road access.
STREET_NUMBER_PARTStreet address attribute, used for duplexes, multiple 'axe handle' access roads or parcel subdivisions restricted to a single street number.
STREET_NUMBER_PREFIXApartment or Unit number for units registered under the Unit Title Scheme.
STREET_TYPEStreet address attribute
SUBURBStreet address attribute. Suburb or locality within which the parcel lies. Sourced from the LOCALITIES dataset.
SURVEY_IDSurvey Plan number pertaining to the parcel, as maintained by the Survey Branch. Does not include any Unit Plans.
SURVEY_PLAN_LINKAbsolute HTTP link to the Survey_ID plan scanned document.
SURVEY_PLAN_NUMBERSurvey Plan number as maintained by the Land Titles Office and appears on the land title document. Includes Unit Plans (UP) where applicable.
TENURE_FOLIOThe 'Folio' number segment of the electronic register book Volume / Folio LTO registration system.
TENURE_REFERENCE_NUMBERThe tenure number applicable to registered Crown leashold titles, eg, CLP197.
TENURE_REFERENCE_TYPEThe tenure type applicable to registered and un-registered landBLBuilding Lease
CLPCrown Lease Perpetual
CLTCrown Lease Term
GLGrazing Licence
LOCLicence to Occupy
LTLLease of Town Lands
MINRegistered Mining Lease
OLOccupation Licence
PLPastoral Lease
POPermissive Occupancy
PPLPerpetual Pastoral Lease
RTFTRight To Freehold Title
SPLSpecial Purposes Lease
UUnregistered Crown Land
V Vacant Crown Land
TENURE_STATUSIndicates the currency of the tenureKCancelled
TENURE_VOLUMEThe 'Volume' number segment of the electronic register book Volume / Folio LTO registration system.
TENURE_VOLUME_TYPEThe Volume type applicable to the LTO Volume / Folio title registration system. All new freehold & leasehold registrations are recorded against a single 'CUFT' volume type, with older and historical titles recorded against volume types such as 'CUCL' (Current Crown Lease), 'NACL' (North Australia Crown Lease), 'NTFT' (Northern Territory Freehold Title) etc.
TOWN_PLANNING_ZONEWhere more than one Town Planning Zone falls over a parcel the zone is recorded as MZ
For further information on Town Planning Zones see metadata ID: 2DBCB7711FD706B6E040CD9B0F274EF
UCV_AMOUNTUnimproved Capital Value (UCV) of a parcel as determined by the Valuer General. Please note, there are some parcels that are not valued.
UCV_DATEDate the Unimproved Capital Value (UCV) was determined
UCV_PER_M2$/m2 value calculated by dividing the Unimproved Capital Value (UCV) by the parcel area in square metres. Please note, this value can not be generated where there is no UCV and or an official area for a parcel.

Supplementary Information

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool