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Metadata : Groundwater Resource Zones, Darwin Rural Area |

Metadata Details:
Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile
Date Metadata Extracted:2025-03-14
Date Metadata Last Updated:2025-02-07
Current URL (HTML format) : http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/metadata/export_data?type=html&metadata_id=2D8322F6959FFA83E0632144CD9B8D6F
Current URL (XML format) : http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/metadata/export_data?type=xml&metadata_id=2D8322F6959FFA83E0632144CD9B8D6F
ANZLIC Identifier:2D8322F6959FFA83E0632144CD9B8D6F
Title: Groundwater Resource Zones, Darwin Rural Area
Citation Date:2025-02-07
Date Type:creation
Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security
This polygon spatial dataset describes 12 groundwater resource zones within the Darwin Rural Water Control District. The groundwater resource zones include the Berry Springs Water Allocation Plan area. The zones have been delineated using the methodology described in Water Resources Division Technical Report (20/2023) Groundwater management zones in the Darwin Rural (Tickell et al., 2023). The report can be accessed here: territorystories.nt.gov.au/10070/980415.
The dataset was used to develop an Estimated Level of Use for each groundwater zone. Refer to metadata record:
How to view this information using NR Maps (not suitable for mobile) nrmaps.nt.gov.au/nrmaps.html
-Zoom to the Darwin Rural area on the map screen
-Turn on layer: Water > Water Management > Darwin Rural Groundwater Systems
- environment
- geoscientificInformation
- inlandWaters
Bounding Coordinates:
- North Bounding Coordinate:-12.095464
- South Bounding Coordinate:-13.002462
- East Bounding Coordinate:131.415777
- West Bounding Coordinate:130.532898
Dataset Status
Dataset ID:
Character Set: Latin 1
Maintenance and Update Frequency:continual
Data Currency Start Date:2025-02-07
Data Currency End Date:
Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via data.nt.gov.au/
You are licensed to use the geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.
Data Quality
Lineage:The zone boundaries were derived using ESRI ArcGIS Pro desktop software and are a compilation of several existing datasets:
-Darwin Rural Water Control District, Berry Springs Water Allocation Planning Area
-Aquifers: 1:250k Darwin Groundwater regional mapping, July 2022
30 August 2017 - A total of 138 groundwater resource zones were created and grouped into 11 groundwater systems. The data compilation process is described in the report, Woltmann 2017, Chapter 7, Assessment methodology.
1 December 2020 - The number of groundwater resource zones were reduced to 112 to consolidate smaller zones within the same groundwater system. The grouping into 11 groundwater systems remain. The process to establish the estimated level of use for each zone was reassessed. The methodology is described in the report, Miles 2020, Appendix A. Refer to supplementary details in this metadata record.
7 February 2025. Darwin Rural Water Control District: The number of groundwater resource zones was further reduced to 12 consolidated areas within the Darwin Rural Water Control District. The data compilation process is described in the report, Tickell et al., 2023. The process to establish the estimated level of use for each zone was completed using the methodology described in Water Resources Division Technical Report (2/2021) Status of groundwater resources in the Darwin Rural Water Control District and Palmerston Municipality (Miles, 2020).
Positional Accuracy:The spatial datasets used to create the groundwater resource zones are varied in scale, ranging from 1:100 000 to 1:250 000.
Attribute Accuracy:Each polygon has been assigned a range of attributes - see Data Dictionary in this metadata record.
Logical Consistency:The spatial polygons are a multi-part.
07/02/2025 There are 12 single part polygons that make up the 12 groundwater resource zones within the Darwin Rural Water Control District.
Completeness:The groundwater resource zones are current as at 7 February 2025 and may be subject to change. This metadata record will be updated if any changes occur.
Name Organisation Position Role Phone Fax Data Requests Officer Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Geospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department) distributor datarequests.depws@nt.gov.au
Data Dictionary
Attribute Attribute Description Possible Code Code Description Annual_Rec Alias: Annual Recharge (ML)
This is the total annual recharge (megalitres) calculated for the WMZ area.Area_Ha Alias: Area (Ha)
This is the total area of each WMZ, measured in hectares.Consumptiv Alias: Consumptive Pool (ML)
This is the total annual consumptive pool (megalitres) calculated for the WMZ area.WAP Alias: Water Allocation Plan
Statutory plan declared under the NT Water Act for surface water and/or groundwater systems developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders on the basis of available scientific and socioeconomic assessment to provide resource security for users and secure ecological outcomes.WCD This refers to the Water Control District associated with each WMZ. Water Control Districts are statutory areas declared under the NT Water Act for surface water and/or groundwater systems developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders on the basis of the available scientific and socioeconomic assessment to provide resource security for users and secure ecological outcomes.
WMZ Alias: Water Management Zone
There are a total of 12 groundwater resource (management) zones in the area, including the Berry Springs Water Allocation Planning Area. Each water management zone represents a groundwater system that is described at the level desired for management purposes.
Supplementary Information
Additional references:
Tickell SJ, Cobban D, Baird C, (2023) Groundwater management zones in Darwin Rural. Technical Report 20/2023. Northern Territory Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. Northern Territory Government. Download report (PDF) via the Northern Territory Library, hdl.handle.net/10070/980415
Miles M, (2020) Status of groundwater resources in the Darwin Rural Water Control District and Palmerston municipality. Technical Report 2/2021, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Palmerston. Download report (PDF) via the Northern Territory Library, hdl.handle.net/10070/817865
Woltmann M, Irwin R (2017) A preliminary assessment of groundwater use in parts of the Darwin Rural Water Control District and Palmerston municipality. Technical Report 2/2018, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Palmerston. Download report (PDF) via the Northern Territory Library, hdl.handle.net/10070/304944
This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool